Welcome to Rajasthani Mela in Kolkata

Celebrating Rajasthani Culture & Beauty In Diversity

About us


Over the past few years, special innovations of technology in communication medium have created a vast impact on our lives. Science has always tried to gift us a happy and prosperous life, but the revolutionary development of communication medium has produce negativity which is influencing the bonding inside our family. People living under the same roof are busy in their own world of cell phones, internet and whatsapp. They are not even bothered about the other family member which is resulting in decreasing relationship values. Family get-together, family entertainment and fun is no where to be seen now. Our Indian culture comprises of rituals, food, music, fun, festivals, legacy that are being pushed to limitations. With the help of various communication mediums and many more such sources from different corners of the world, the western culture is threatening our glorious legacies and cultural heritage which is creating an extreme negative effect on the younger generation. In this hour of need, it is our duty to highlight various aspects of our culture and present it in an entertaining and interesting way in front of them to provide with an attractive and strong option against the western culture.


Folk Music And Dance, Food and Cuisine of Rajasthan, Handicrafts, Traditional Dresses of Rajasthan and much more...

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